This page is not the result of vanity, but, actually, quite a lot of e-mails concern the question of how to cite SISA. A few examples of how to cite SISA:
American Psychological Association (APA) style:
Uitenbroek, D. G. (1997). SISA Binomial. Southampton: D.G. Uitenbroek. Retrieved January 01, 2021, from the World Wide Web:
Daan G Uitenbroek, "SISA-Binomial." 1997. <>(1 Jan 2021)
Council of Biology Editors (CBE) style:
Uitenbroek DG. 1997. Binomial. SISA. <>. Accessed 2021 1 Jan.
Thanks for citing SISA,
Daan Uitenbroek
The Netherlands